A newly installed roof on a house in Colorado Springs

Roofing Materials.

A newly installed roof that passed inspection in Colorado Springs, Colorado

Improving Homes. Changing Lives.

That's the HOMEfix way.

At HOMEfix, we're proud to serve the Colorado Springs community with our dedicated roofing services. We believe in the power of local; by supporting each other, we contribute to the vibrancy and success of our shared home.

Common Questions.

Is a class 4 shingle worth the extra expense?

Definitely! Most insurance companies will give you a discount on your homeowners insurance if you have a class 4 shingle so it will eventually pay for itself. Once you have a class 4 shingle on your roof, your insurance company will always pay to install a new class 4 shingle again in the future to replace what’s existing.

How is synthetic underlayment better than 15 lb felt?

Synthetic underlayment provides superior water resistance, is highly resistant to tears, and won’t deteriorate if it is exposed to moisture.

What does the ice and water barrier do?

Ice dams can form at the roof edge due to temperature differences between the heated interior of the house and the colder exterior. These dams will allow for water to pool on your roof. The ice and water barrier helps to reduce these temperature gradients making it less likely for ice to form and it is also a waterproof barrier under the shingles.

A small transparent graphic of a houses floor plan.

Ready to get started?

Are you ready to take the first step towards rejuvenating your home with a new roof that reflects your style and increases the longevity of your home? We understand that a house is not just a physical structure, it’s your home - the space where you make memories, recharge, find comfort and feel safe. That’s why we are dedicated to providing top-notch services and solutions for all of your home improvement needs. Let’s work together to fix, upgrade and enhance your home starting with the roof over your head.